Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Road Back to Normal...

First of all, I don't know that Charlie's life will ever be normal -- and what is "normal" anyway?  One of my biggest fears with Parkinson's was that he was tuning out of life.  For a few months, he was content to sit on the couch and sleep.  So the road back to normal for me is his "participation" in life.

In August, we had the opportunity to attend the Polishing the Pulpit Conference in Sevierville TN.  He knew I wanted to go but I insisted that it be HIS decision.  To my total surprise, he agreed!  I kept waiting for him to tell me he had changed his mind -- he never did.  The trip was wonderful; the cabin and the scenery were breathtaking... but I kept waiting for a complaint about something (which is my clue).  But he never complained.  In fact, he never missed a session -- he was there early morning to late at night.  And the opportunity to spend time with his Christian brothers in such a setting was priceless in my book.  He has never told me he enjoyed the trip; however, all his comments were positive -- even talking of renting a cabin for all of our family sometime.

We "hit the road running" when we got back.  He has not missed an opportunity to go to a gospel meeting or church event -- we have been so busy since August.  He never complains of being tired.   He continues to go to the gym -- and even goes alone.  He enjoys babysitting Dana Kate and always looks forward to Tuesdays.

Another big step for him was filling in as preacher for Danny one Sunday.  This took a lot of courage because his voice quality is so uncertain.  I think I was more nervous than he.  He really cares about the flock at Rolling Hills and keeps an active interest in everything.

I have come to realize he has traveled a long way on the road back to normal since last October.  In fact, he has agreed to go to a Kenny Rogers Christmas concert with me in December -- I am going to consider it a "date" since we have been married 40 years this year!  Normal for us is NOT going to a concert -- so I am hoping this will help us establish a new normal!  I am so thankful to God that he is again a "participant" in life.

1 comment:

  1. Just read this today...I need to figure out how to get notices when someone write, or something. Great post and I am so glad to hear and see his progress. Hope the Christmas concert is still on the books!

